Wednesday 25 February 2015


My mum gav me a litre of Baileys today as a kind of congratulatory thing for getting a new job. I bloody love that woman! 
I've already had like a quarter of the bottle in the space of an hour. Its all good though. Its fine. Happy days. 

Today's not so exciting city adventures.

Right, so, today we had to go on the hunt for white shirts and black trousers. I am absolutely awful to shop for because of my size. No, I'm not fat, I'm just insanely tall for a girl. I'm 6'3". And as you can imagine, getting women's trousers to fit a 35" inside leg, is pretty impossible if you can't afford to shop in places like Long Tall Sally (#lifegoals)...but I did it!! Well, nearly. After rummaging through the fabulous Primark, I found some plain black, slim fit trousers, which are 34" long, and they were only a fiver!!!! BARGAIN
. So yeah, now came the hunting for the shirts, and I got really frustrated after about 15 minutes, cos all the shirts had short sleeves, and I need long sleeves to cover my tattoos..but no..girls are apparently only allowed to wear short sleeves. Bastards.Up to the men's department I went, and alas, I found some. They were only a fiver too! Today was totally my day when it came to bargains.
But oh my god, I saw thee best onesie in Primark today, its a Batman one - unlike the one I already have - but it was Batman's armour one! I did a little sex wee, I have to admit. Ha.
Then we went to Burger Kiiiiing, to try their new long rodeo burger...well, the boyfie did, I stuck to my usual big king. Both so cheap! £3.79 for a meal! And they're so bloody tasty! Oh man, I'm making myself hungry now, not cool.

So yeah, clothes and food. Now that I think about it, today wasn't all that bad.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Awesome news! And OOTD.

I'm literally so duper super excited right now. I would make a video, but I'd probably end up hysterical and wake the little monster up.
But finally, after 6 interviews this week, I can finally say I am employed again. It was so out of the blue as well. I literally only applied for the position last night, got a phone call this morning, and less than 12 hours later, leave with my rota for the end of the week. So god damn chuffed right now. I really didn't think I would get it, the restaurant is really rather posh, I mean, c'mon, its called Castle Carvery for god sakes. Just means I have to cover up my tattoos as best I can and take my piercings out...but that doesn't bother me too much :)
Already dreading my weekend though, Friday: 10:00 - 14:30, 16:30 - 21:00 Saturday: 12:00 - 0:00 Sunday: 12:00 - 0:00 I haven't worked in nearly 2 months, and the longest shifts I used to do were like 8 hours, I'm gonna be feckin' shattered when I'm done, but luckily I have Monday and Tuesday off to relax and maybe have a drink or two.
Aaaaaand, another brilliant thing about where I'm going to be of my best friends works there!! Gonna be so much fun!! Gonna miss my little munchkin lots though, but does mean I'll be able to buy him nice things now :)

Right, outfit of the day:
hoodie - Primark, tshirt - Amazon, black highwaisted skinny jeans - Primark, boots - Shoe Zone
my Pacman/Batman collaboration tshirt.
"It's simple, we kill the pacman", my boyfie's parents got me this for my birthday at the beginning of the month, and I have to say, I think its one of the best items of clothing I own.

New boot boots!!
They're only from Shoe Zone, but oh my goodness gracious me, they're so bloody comfortable, and oh so cute! Look at that lil platform! I have a right thing for chunky heels at the minute. They're definitely the way forward.

Monday 23 February 2015

My playlist

I have this playlist I go to which I consider my "comfort zone", if ever I'm feeling like shit, or I've just had a bit of a rough day, this is my happy place. Some of the songs are a big "fuck you" to everyone/everything that has pissed me off, and others remind me how lucky I am to still be here and have certain people in my life. There's a certain song here, "Five Minutes" by The Defiled, I recommend it. Its such a beautiful song.

Outfit of the Day - 23/2/15

So, today I thought I would do an "Outfit of the Day" post, because I didn't get any exciting footage one my travels today, and I really didn't want to bore anyone who may stumble upon it and watch it. So I thought to myself earlier, "ya know what? I actually quite like the way I look today, I'm gonna share this shit." I took a few pictures, and only 2 of them were alright, one more so than the other one to be fair. Ha.   

Aaaaand here it is...
shirt -Primark, vest - Banned Apparell, shorts- Mango Bango

Excuse my face, I rubbed my eyes earlier when I was sleepy and forgot I had makeup on, so it kinda went EVERYWHERE.

I don't know why, but I wear shorts literally all year round, I think subconsciously it may have something to do with the fact that I've always considered my legs my best feature.

And I don't know if its just me or not, but I always feel the lumberjack shirt gives such a casual, slouchy feel, but always quite smart at the same time depending on how many buttons you do up. I love this shirt though, its so god damn comfy, and I think it was only like a tenner or something. Bargain.

Hoping when I start getting some money coming back in I can do some Primark hauls, and maybe some charity shop hauls too..they're always good for a bargain.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Get Ready With Me vlog

So, I started filming a "get ready with me" video, had the camera all set up so all my makeup and hair doings could be seen. And something was niggling at me, so I checked my camera after 20 minutes, and turned out it had run out of space after 4 minutes. What an epic fail. So instead of a video, you can have a couple of pictures of the finished product.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Taking a trip into the city

So today, the fella, little monster and I had to take a stroll into the city. From my flat, the city is about an hours walk, yeah, it's about 3 miles, so I don't really think an hour is that bad for how far it is. At least there's some nice scenery..
Plumstead Rd East

I love walking this road, I think its Plumstead Rd East, but don't quote me on that. Its such a lovely walk, especially in nice weather, especially with the sun streaming through the tress. And there's always SQUIRRELS!! Squirrels with big chubby cheeks in the trees. They're adorable, and totally make my day.

Anyway, back to the point.

We had to go into the city today because I needed to get a black shirt for my work trial at Rocco's tomorrow night. I tried on all of Azzy's black shirts, and even though they fit, they made my chest-al region look really low and droopy. Was not a good look!!

About 40 minutes into the walk, we come to my favourite part of Norwich..

Norwich Cathedral
Literally adore this cathedral, its so god damn beautiful! There are a few cathedrals in Norwich, but this one beats the others hands down. Especially at night, with all the ground lights illuminating it. Its pretty majestic to be honest.

So we made it into the city about lunch time, and as always, I'm hungry. I swear, everytime I go to the city, my stomach just starts talking to me, and then it hurts, and I need food. Azzy hates me for this, because it means spending money. Went into Primark, its a Saturday, it was <b>not</b> a good idea, especially with a pushchair. But needs must and all that jazz. One thing I didn't like about shopping for a black shirt, is that the women's shirts, were all short sleeved!! I need long sleeved you stupid shop!! Argh!! So, up we travelled in the elevator to the men's department. Stupid when a woman has to get a bloke's top. And why are men's sizes so confusing? I don't know what bloody neck size I am. F sake. I finally found a shirt, the label said £6, but ended up having 50p off it. Winning! Ha.

KFC lunch boxes

Time for fooooood!

I love KFC waaaay too much.

Friday 20 February 2015

The day I decided to try something different.

Okay, so right about now I feel like a bit of a pleb. After hours and hours of watching Helen Anderson's video's on youtube, I've got this crazy idea into my head that I want to try doing some blogging/vlogging myself. The only problem is, I'm a bit shy. I can write and write for days, babbling on about random things here and there, but when it comes to talking out loud...I freeze.
So I'm hoping over the next few weeks/months, I can turn my phone onto video, leave it somewhere that has decent view of whichever room I am in, and then catch one of my ramblings.

In my blogs/vlogs, I shall be sharing with you what an average day is like for me, my regular makeup routine, reviews and ratings of what music I'm listening to, films/tv programmes I'm watching, and what its like to have a young child, plus more...

Seeing as this is my first day, and all I've been doing is setting up my sites/accounts, I don't actually have any videos for you, but tomorrow my partner, little monster and I are going into the city - which is always eventful, so hopefully I will have some footage from that to upload.

So, I'm going to get back to my wine now and I'll keep you all posted.


"Let's do this!"