Sunday 15 March 2015

The last few days....

...have been pretty hectic at work, especially with the lead up to mother's day...

Yesterday, was really bloody busy, like, I literally did not have 5 minutes to just go outside and chill out to have a much as I wanted one. I was initially on a 11:30 - 4 shift..which got changed to a 5 finish, which I didn't mind, I like to help where I can.
It got to half 5 pretty quickly, and I was putting away all the clean glasses, because there was like 5 oor 6 trays that needed putting away. So my intention was to put all those away before I went, because I know how annoying it can be when there's lots to do, and people just leave you in the lerch and you're bombarded with glasses, clean and dirty. But every time I went to put out some clean glasses, more customers would come swanning in through the doors, and I would have to serve them. I hate it when I'm in a rush, and the customer is being really awkward, cos I've only been there a few weeks, so I still don't know the ins and outs of then I have to find one of the managers which just wastes time, and then I have to go through their order..blah blah blah.
But yeah, as I said, literally every time I went to put glasses out, someone else would just come walking through the door.
Anyway..I finally managed to sneak away, although by this point, it was nearly half 7, and I hadn't let Azzy know that I was going to be this late. I knew he would be worried about me, and I couldn't get in touch with him, because my phone had died, no one else had their phones on them, and I wasn't allowed to use the work phone because I was calling a mobile, which is pretty god damn stupid if you ask me...I may have to have words with them about that.
When I did finally get home...I got a right bollocking. Literally in floods of tears with Azzy shouting at me..... but I won't continue with this bit, as its rather personal.
We were okay in the end :)

Today...OH MY GOD. I have literally never seen a restaurant so busy!!!!
It took us an hour and a half to get through a queue of people, and that was only at like midday, so we had just only just opened!
Today was absolutely manic, every member of staff was on, expect a few, so we were well on force today. It was brilliant. It was pretty unbelievable just how busy it was to be honest. 5 or 6 times I got called onto the restaurant floor to help clear tables of plates and glasses, and that's not even what I was meant to be doing today. I like going on to the floor sometimes though, I've never done it before, so I'm totally not used to it - being on the bar is my safe place - but it just feels nice to be doing something different for a change. Its bloody hard work on the floor though, literally do not get to stop, its just constant walking backwards and forwards - I guess it is like that on the bar too, but thats no a veryh big space so that doesn't really count - around a big it sounds really boring put like that. Haha.
Work goes so quickly though, its awesome!!
I did a 11 - 7:30 today, and it seriously only felt like I was there for just a few hours.
We had an auditor in today as well...I won't go into too much detail there, cos that bloody woman makes my blood boil. Not even joking, she's had something against me since the very moment she saw me...well, I should say, since the very moment she saw my tattoos...fucking dick. UGH! Excuse my language. I just really despise her..She walks around like she bloody owns the place, and she doesn't!! She's always got such a bitchy look on her face, and walks as though she's poke a hot poker up her arse.
She was sitting at one of the tables earlier doing one of her stupid little charts, and I had to walk past her with a massive tray of glasses...most of them still had drink in them...the temptation to just "accidentally trip" was immense....but, alas, I had to control myself. And I tell you what, the amount of control I had to have not to pour those glasses over her stuck up little head was second to none.
But thankfully, seven thirty came around fairly quickly, and I was able to leave. Yay.

So right now, I am at home, curled up on the sofa with a ros spritzer, while the mister cooks me tea. Lush.


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